Strawberry Tofu Pudding Smoothie


  • 1 Package DSI Tofu Dessert (Sweetened or Unsweetened, depending on your sweetness preference)

  • 350g Strawberries

  • 1 tbsp Water

  • Handful of Ice Cubes

  • 1 tbsp Crystal Sugar (can also use 1 tbsp of honey, or condensed milk for a creamier sweetness)


  1. Wash strawberries.

  2. Add strawberries, water, ice, and sugar into food processor.
    (Adjust sugar to personal preference.)

  3. Mix together in food processor.

  4. Scoop DSI Tofu Dessert into a tall glass or bowl. Pour strawberry mixture on top and add some whole or halved strawberries.

*This recipe can also be made as a smoothie by blending all the ingredients together. We suggest using condensed milk for sweetener if making a smoothie, and to add 2-3 tbsp if you prefer your smoothie on the sweeter side!


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