Vegetarian Curry Ramen


½ cup soy milk 

½  cup water 

1 tbsp curry powder 

½ tsp salt (approximately) 

⅓ tsp sugar (approximately) 

1 tsp MSG

2 packs Ramen noodles 


1 Package DSI Veggie Ham

1 Package DSI Strip Tofu
(Or any of DSI’s Tofu Puffs- e.g. Tofu Pow, Small Bean Ball, Mini Tofu Pow or Slice Tofu)

Any vegetable of choice (such as broccoli, carrots, corn, etc.)


  1. Blend the curry powder and soy milk in a pot.

  2. Add salt, sugar and MSG. Let boil, then add ramen. 

  3. Add toppings. Cook until desired tenderness.

  4. Enjoy!


Strawberry Tofu Pudding Smoothie